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By using the keywords, phrases, and similar channels you provide to Sprizzy, they are able to ensure your video gets seen only by YouTubers who are searching for similar content to your own. For example, you are an up-and-coming pop artist promoting your latest video single and you’ve provided Adele or Justin Bieber as one […]

By using the keywords, phrases, and similar channels you provide to Sprizzy, they are able to ensure your video gets seen only by YouTubers who are searching for similar content to your own. For example, you are an up-and-coming pop artist promoting your latest video single and you’ve provided Adele or Justin Bieber as one of your similar channels/artists. When a user searches Adele or Justin Bieber music video, your video will pop up on their screen either before the Adele or Bieber video, or it may appear on the side of the screen in the ‘recommended’ videos (which means it’s real organic traffic, not any bot that will watch your videos). And since it’s real you will be able to receive a like, comment, and subscribes for you. But expect also dislikes as well since it provides real feedback.

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